Quarterly Newsletter
Use new autofill feature to simplify E and H reinstatements
Prepopulate data from a previous filing submitted and accepted in NIC Insurance Filings
Published: January 11, 2023
One of the top reasons form submissions are rejected by state agencies is data entry mistakes. In the case of reinstatements and cancellations, filings that contain typos, errors, or incomplete information cannot be matched to a previous record.
In 2022, we added a new feature to many of our forms that allows users to reduce data entry by pre-populating new filings. We announced in June of last year insurance filing users can create California DMV 66 filings from a corresponding DMV 65. In October 2022, this feature was enhanced to allow filers to reinstate a DMV 65 from a previous DMV 65 filing. This feature reduces data errors by pulling information from forms previously accepted by the California DMV and further expanded on an existing autofill feature in NIC Insurance Filings where Form K cancellation notices can be generated from a previously accepted Form E.
NIC Insurance Filings continues to expand our one-click autofill options to make it easier than ever to submit a filing for a reinstated policy.
Now, Form E and Form H reinstatements can be easily generated from a previous Form E or H filed and accepted in the system. To use this new feature, go to the Search Filings interface to find an approved Form E or H for the policy to be reinstated. A new "Reinstate Form E" or "Reinstate Form H" button will appear in the Actions column of the search results.

Be sure to review the auto-populated data for accuracy and update it if necessary. An effective date for the new reinstated policy will need to be entered.

Policyholder information, policy number, insurer information, and liability limits are some of the fields that will be prepopulated with this new feature. The "Reinstate" box will be automatically checked. Changes can be made to any of the pre-filled data prior to submission.
We are hopeful that these new enhancements will help filers improve acceptance rates by reducing errors in submissions. Reach out to our customer support team at support@tylerinsurancefilings.com for help using this new feature.